  • あやめ先輩は僕とヒミツの契約を

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  • ほかの名前: あやめ先輩は僕とヒミツの契約を, Ayame-senpai Made a Secret Contract with Me., Ayame Senpai to Boku wa Himitsu no Keiyaku wo
  • 著者: Dasoku Sentaro
  • ジャンル: コメディ - ロマンス - エッチ - 人生のひとこま - 超自然的な
  • 雑誌: Ganma Plus
  • 説明:
    ごく普通の高校生・三ツ矢大樹は、学校帰りに傷だらけの女の子を見つける。 よくみると動物の耳が生えている彼女は、大樹の耳を舐めると、立ち去っていった。 夢だったんじゃないか、と考え始めた大樹のもとに、桜神あやめが現れて――!? 大樹の耳が持つ力を伝えたあやめは、彼を巻き込んだ責任を感じ、なんとしても守るべく絶対従属の誓いを提案するのだった。 On his way home from school, Mitsuya Daikiーan ordinary high school student finds a girl covered in wounds. Upon closer look, he finds that the girl has animal ears, but she licks Daiki’s ears and leaves. Daiki begins to wonder if it was just a dream, when Sakuragami Ayame appears upon him…? After telling her of the ability of Daiki’s ears, Ayame feels responsible for dragging him into this, and proposes an oath of absolute servitude to protect him at all costs!
Tags: あやめ先輩は僕とヒミツの契約を あやめ先輩は僕とヒミツの契約を Raw あやめ先輩は僕とヒミツの契約を 21 あやめ先輩は僕とヒミツの契約を 20 Ayame-senpai Made a Secret Contract with Me. Ayame-senpai Made a Secret Contract with Me. Raw Ayame-senpai Made a Secret Contract with Me. 21 Ayame-senpai Made a Secret Contract with Me. 20 Ayame Senpai to Boku wa Himitsu no Keiyaku wo Ayame Senpai to Boku wa Himitsu no Keiyaku wo Raw Ayame Senpai to Boku wa Himitsu no Keiyaku wo 21 Ayame Senpai to Boku wa Himitsu no Keiyaku wo 20