病弱で引っ込み思案な王女リデルは、才覚に溢れた騎士オスカーに恋をし晴れて夫婦となる。しかしオスカーにとって望まない婚姻と知り、希望に満ちた夫婦生活は不遇の日々と変わっていった。やがてリデルを襲うひとつの悲劇が、その後の二人の人生を大きく変えていくのだが……。これは”はずれ姫”と蔑まれた元王女と、”氷の騎士”と謳われた青年伯爵の、かけちがいによる悲劇と二度目の恋物語――。 The sickly and socially withdrawn Princess Ridelle fell in love with the quick-witted knight, Sir Oscar and became his wife. But after finding out that Oscar didn’t wish for the marriage, their marriage life became no different than a pile of misfortunes.Soon, Ridelle was struck down by another tragedy, changing both of their lives tremendously, but…This is the love story between a former princess who was looked down upon as “the Failure Princess,” and the young count known as “the Ice Knight”—the crossing of their paths weaving tragedies in their wake.