剣を取り、民を守る「騎士」。その称号を得る為の見習い期間……騎士見習いの仕事は、剣の稽古でも馬を乗りこなす訓練でもなく、馬の世話から掃除までなんでもござれの雑用だった。「錠の城≪クラウストラ≫」で騎士を目指す見習い・ロサの成長譚、開幕! A “knight” who takes a sword and protects the people. Apprenticeship period to obtain that title… The job of a knight apprentice was not a sword lesson or horse riding training, but was a chore of everything from caring for horses to cleaning. Apprentice aiming to be a knight in “Castle of Locks”